Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing the Right Niche for Photography Business

Jenn Pereira
December 26, 2019

As long as it has to do with photography, we sometimes burden ourselves with the thought of being perfect in every branch of photography. Photography is like using light to paint, so there are zero reasons why we cannot do astrophotography, newborn photography, family portraits, weddings, food, and landscape photography, right?

After all, the light is still the same irrespective of whatever it is falling on, right? The answer to this question is yes as well as no. However, the good news is you are not under any obligation to master everything.

This post will be discussing how you can discover a suitable niche to start your photography business.

Which Niche is Right for Me?

The average person who is learning one or two things about photography business normally plays around with a minimum of 3 of these types of photography or niches. It’s normal to try your hands out on different photography niches when you are just beginning, however if you seek to become a professional photographer, and market yourself effectively as a certain genre of photographer, you will need to settle for one only.

Here are some questions you can consider when selecting a niche:

1. What do you enjoy doing?

Even for someone who is just starting out, the chances are that you have knowledge about a few niches that you like. And as a practicing, semi-professional, or aspiring photographer, you may have discovered a niche that tickles your fancy.

If you spend most of your time exploring a certain field of photography, that might be an indication that that is a niche that will interest you. Ideally, you cannot be doing something over and again, if you don’t have any interest in it, right?

2. What are you actually good at?

It is possible that you love something but you are not good at that thing. You can resolve this shortcoming in two ways – either you try to improve in that thing that you love doing until you are adequately skilled in that area or you put in more effort to love that which you are talented in. This has been a real struggle for lots of successful photographers today, so you may want to leave that which is not suitable for your kind of person.

3. Will you be needing additional equipment?

There are niches in photography business that demand gear upgrade with more expensive, additional lenses, hi-tech camera bodies, along with some more accessories which can ramp up your expenses in an unpleasant manner. And if you are not prepared for such sacrifices, you can decide to stay with the other niches which works with the set of gear you have.

Related Post: 4 Sacrifices You Will Make To Become a Professional Photographer

4. Does it suit your personality and lifestyle?

Several niches will demand you step outside your comfort area, subjecting you to intense pressure, while some may involve risking your life. You can define your limits, though that will be accompanied by more difficulties as well as hardships which might or might not be commensurate with the money and effort.

5. What’s the market competition like?

Common niches such as portrait photography and fashion photography have a big market and thus pay well, making it hard to penetrate them. If you are confident and sure enough of your skill and vision, you can go after them or even try your hands on a niche that is more specific, such as toys, food, cosmetics, or jewellery within still life and product photography.

6. How is the pay?

There are niches that offer more steady opportunities and pay more than others, so ensure you do the necessary research regarding the usual pay rate of the niche you are about to move into. However, if you are just doing it for the sake of self-service or for self-aggrandisement, then don’t be afraid to experiment on the above mentioned niches.

Related Post: Photography Tips – How Much Should Photographers Charge In 2020?

7. Does it allow you to work locally?

Several photographers are normally obliged to fly to different regions in the world to undertake certain projects. But if you are not that type of jet-around kind of individual, you might want to explore niches that allow you work within your locality.

Therefore, which niche are you going to succeed in?

Bottom Line

In photography business, your niche is expected to shrink, grow, and evolve as time passes by. Allow yourself the space to explore the various photography fields that you enjoy the most, and don’t bother about any other thing. You are under no obligation to master everything.

Whatever niche you decide to choose for yourself, the type of photographer you end up as is of extreme importance. Meditate on the various ways your best shots can be displayed and sold.

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