4 Sacrifices You Will Make To Become a Professional Photographer

Lyn Pasco November 10,2019

Anybody can take photographs. Who has not snapped a fantastic scenery of sunrise atop a hill or sunset upon a beach? Or snapped a cute photo of their lovely pets? Or even snap moments from celebrations, events or memorable occasions with their friends, loved ones and family? And virtually everyone you can think of have

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8 Tips on How To Properly Photograph Footwear Products

Yen November 1,2019

Footwear product photography comes with a certain set of rules to follow and avoid. In selling footwear products online, entrepreneurs must be able to compensate their customers with good product photos since they cannot touch and look at them personally. Thus in e-commerce, everything must begin with a good supply of high-quality images. With a

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5 Beginner Tips to Become a Better Photographer in No Time

Lyn Pasco October 28,2019

Every professional wants to get better in their field at all times even if it takes a lifetime for them to learn. They want to be successful at what they do, make a name in their field of work and gain fame. Those who strive to achieve success are those who reach a high level

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8 Easy Steps to Photograph Apparel for Your eCommerce Store with Models

Lyn Pasco October 18,2019

If you are going to photograph clothing with live models for your online store, you need to get it right. You may not know it but the way the photos turn out can influence closing a sale. While photographing clothes is not as tricky as having highly detailed subjects, like jewelry, you still need to

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10 Product Photography Tips for Effective Ecommerce Photos that Sells

Lyn Pasco October 16,2019

“A picture paints a thousand words” they say but with stunning product photos, it means more sales from a thousand website visits. That is how valuable product photography is in any kind of business, most especially with e-commerce. More people are preferring to shop online but there are still those who prefer to buy something

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Portrait Photography – 8 Tips for Perfect & Artistic Portraits

Lyn Pasco October 15,2019

Snapshots are photos that were taken spontaneously, without artistic intent. They are technically imperfect as they lack the qualities that are seen on professionally-shot portraits. If you are aiming for quality portrait photography, the priority is to avoid making the pictures look amateur or just mere snapshots. There are portrait photography tips that you can

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A Need for Photography Editing Service

Yen October 14,2019
photography editing service - cover

A Debate Over Beauty and Reality Let’s begin with the debate among many photographers about post-processing. Over the years, many are still not inclined on the thought of editing photos. One of the main reasons is the denial of the reality about the subject. Editing photos will not only change the image but will also

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7 Key Techniques for High-end Beauty Photography Retouching

Lyn Pasco October 9,2019

Beauty photography is exquisite but it is undeniably one of the most difficult genres in photography. It is seldom to produce the perfect shots from straight-out-of-the-camera photos. Aside from the best lighting, angles, and mood design, the best photography retouching skills are essential in order to get a prized beauty shot. There are plenty of

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10 Common Mistakes in Jewelry Photography & Tips to Avoid It

Lyn Pasco October 8,2019

Jewelry photography is fun but it tends to be complicated. Yes, it stays still and does not move a lot unlike a human model, but it does have its own quirky characteristics. First, jewelry is reflective. It can be pretty challenging to shoot with a good lighting, and try not to look like it is

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4 Powerful and Influential Photographs that Moved the World

Yen September 30,2019

Many of our great and famous photographers were born to be first-hand witnesses of the world’s beauty and chaos. Many photographers leave their comfort zones to document unlikely events. They go out of their way to document wars, conflicts, violence and other forms of suffering. Their instincts led them to capture significant moments and send

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