Editing Photos – A Must for Professional Photographers

Jenn Pereira
April 6, 2020

Seasoned photographers are famed for their masterful photos. Even without technical knowledge in photography, anyone can appreciate how photos turn out looking both professional and creative. It is no secret, however, that the greatest photographs have had some kind of tweaking before actually looking awesome. Editing photos might be a touchy subject among photographers but it cannot be denied that they too need some Photoshop every once in a while.

Just to put it out in the open, editing photos is not a new thing. In fact, photographers are already using plenty of means to produce different effects on their photos even before digital photography was born. The manual film processing of photos is a method of “photo editing” in itself. What do professional photographers use to edit photos long before Photoshop was introduced? For a professional photo editor back in the days, photo editing means choosing different films, deciding how long the developing time should be, or using photo papers that produce different color and contrast levels.

Essentially, professional photographers from before and the present are editing photos whether they are aware of it or otherwise.

Why do photos need editing?

If you are a good photographer, you are aware that it is virtually impossible to take the best shots every single time. There are too many factors that may affect the quality of a picture, such as the camera and other gears, light, and even the subject itself. Suffice to say that even with professionals, there will always be instances in which you will really need to edit photos.

There are many reasons why a photographer needs to learn how to edit photos and some of them are the following:

1. Some formats need to be converted to another format
Most professionals shoot in RAW. This is like shooting using films in which photos turn out like negatives. This would allow more control in changing the different photo elements such as the color, brightness, contrast, and shadows. This also means that there is a need to convert the RAW files first before they can be printed or processed. The process of converting photo files into different formats is a type of simple photo editing.

2. Adjustments are needed to make images look clear
Just like cameras have different features, computers and printers also differ in processing files to create photographs. Depending on the equipment that you have, it would be necessary to adjust the photo elements in order to create clearer images that have rich colors. A sharpening may also be needed to make the details crisp. For some images, the hues are to be adjusted so that skin tone errors and color casts are fixed. Even the process of adjusting the white balance can make a whole new difference in making the picture look either warm or cool.

3. More elements are needed to be adjusted
Aside from the basic photo elements, some photos need more intricate editing in order to be more fit for whatever use the photographer is after. Fashion photos, for example, need to have photos with perfect skin. This can be achieved using advanced photo editing techniques, like digital airbrushing. Some effects are also only possible when digitally enhanced, like in newborn photography where composite photos are made to make photos look more creative.

At the end of the day, it is fairly simple to say that editing photos is essential in order to bring out the best elements of photographs. It is through a meticulous process of editing that photo quality is enhanced and where photographers are able to add personal style to materialize the creative visions that they have.

How do photographers edit photos?

It is a common misconception that photographers are experts at editing photos. The truth, however, is that a lot of photographers are only skilled at using their shooting gears. In fact, many photographers are not adept at using Photoshop or any other photos editing applications.

Of course there are also those who took the time to really focus on learning about the different post-processing methods. They either enroll in actual classes or learn through video and written tutorials that are available from different resources, like the internet.

Photographs are edited through manual film processing, wherein the editor must be knowledgeable about how films and different chemicals work in order to create the desired effects of the photos. Another way is to do everything digitally using photo editing software, like Photoshop.

Related Post: Learn How to Edit Photos Using Photoshop

For photographers who do not have knowledge or expertise on both methods, they can always turn to photo editing services for photographers. In this method, photo editing is sourced out so that an expert photo editor or photo retoucher will do the necessary edits as specified by the photographer.

Basic photo editing techniques commonly used

There are literally countless ways to edit photos and photographers do not limit themselves in using just one style. Basic photo editing that is commonly applied to photos includes but is not limited to:

1. Cropping. This allows the photographer to adjust the frame in order to draw attention to a specific area of the photo.

2. Straightening. A leveled horizon is a basic concept in photography and a few clicks will straighten a tilted subject that looks off.

3. Exposure adjustment. A pleasant exposure is not always guaranteed so adjusting the brightness and contrast may be necessary.

4. Removal of imperfections. Blemishes on the model, speck of dust, or some obvious wrinkles are easily fixed using different tools.

5. Removal of unwanted objects. Photos sometimes have objects that may not be essential or must be removed from the photos in order to make it look more professional.

6. Image optimization. Specifically among those who will publish photos both in print and in digital form, different standards must be met in order for photos to be acceptable. For example, uploading on websites might require a minimum and maximum file size or the printer only prints flawlessly with a specific resolution.

With these basic editing methods, a photographer can play around and use them to create artistic photos. It is up to the photographer on how to use the different photo editing tools to make photos look artistic, minimalistic, or evocative.

What is enough when it comes to editing photos?

Using Photoshop and other photo editing applications makes it easy to transform photos. The downside of this is that it can also be easy to go overboard and make edits look overly done. Photos turn out unrealistic and unappealing to the audience. Instead of enhancing, photographers are at risk of destroying the essence of the photos with too much editing.

Here is a great read about how much is too much in editing or retouching photos

We match your retouching & editing style

Now that you are aware about how professional photographers also need the assistance of a good photo editor for their images, you must be able to determine where you can seek help with your photos.

If you do not have the time to learn the ropes of photo editing or you simply want to steer away from the tedious task of post processing photos, you can always trust Ephotovn to take a professional approach for your photos. Ephotovn has mastered the different photo editing styles that a variety of photographers use to make their photos look professional, creative, and more alive. You can trust our team’s expertise to deliver only the highest quality of results for whatever your photos need.

Do not hesitate to contact our team today so we can discuss how we can apply our professional inputs to your photos.Contact Us to Learn More About Our Services

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