Image Requirements for Amazon: How to Optimize Product Photos to Generate More Revenue

Jenn Pereira
November 17, 2019

Product photos are one of the key factors that can influence a customer’s purchasing decision. This is why as a seller, you must make sure that the images you present to the customers are appealing, eye-catching, and informative.

Amazon is one of the biggest online selling portals. It seems that those who are fond of shopping online automatically search on the Amazon website to check for a seller who has the products that they are looking for. It is essential therefore that you have to optimize product photos so that they do not only look good but also adhere to the standards and image requirements that Amazon has set.

Related Post: How to Prepare Product Images for Amazon

Image Requirements for Amazon

Before listing any of your products, you need to be familiar with the image requirements for photos to be uploaded on the Amazon website. Following their guidelines, a seller must abide by the set of Technical Requirements and Amazon Site Standards for Product Images.

Following Technical Image Requirements for Amazon

Amazon is very specific with the technical aspects of photos to be uploaded on the website. The photo size and other technical requirements must be met so that Amazon accepts it. It is advised to check for updated information regarding the specific photo requirements. As of date, the image size must at least be 1000 pixels in width and height. Amazon recommends that photos should be 2560 pixels wide. The product photo should also fill 85% of the frame. As for its background, only a pure white background will do. The photo file must be saved in JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF file formats. Both sRGB and CMYK color modes are acceptable.

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Amazon also restricts putting text, borders, watermarks, and other items on the image. Mannequins should also be edited out before uploading. This means that you may need to submit the photos for a ghost mannequin photo retouching to optimize product photos. Even the file names have a specific requirement wherein it must include a unique product identifier (Amazon ASIN, JAN, EAN, 13-digit ISBN, or the UPC). Dashes, spaces, and other special characters must not be included in the file name.

Site Standards for Product Photos

For the product photos itself, Amazon upholds certain standards. For example, the product photo should be the cover art of the product to be sold. The images must be professionally lit, have realistic colors, and smooth edges. This is why when you optimize product photos for Amazon purposes, you will need the help of professional photo editing services. Clipping path, background removal and other applicable techniques for product image editing are essential in order to live up to Amazon standards.

Here are additional tips in order to produce high-quality product images for Amazon.

1. Zoom

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Amazon has a zoom function but this can only be appreciated in high-resolution photos. This will allow customers to take a closer look at the product. When they are able to zoom in and check on the details, trust is built and they become more confident in buying the product.

2. Angle and Perspectives

Just like enabling the zoom function, showing the products from different angles will give the customers a sense of seeing the actual product up close.

3. Size Ratios

Illustrating size ratios of products may actually help in giving the customers a clear picture of how the products will look in person. You can use another product to show size ratios. For example, for tablets and phones, you can show a picture of a pen to show the dimensions. It can be a reference to see how thick or thin the object is and other size characteristics.

4. Details

There are times that the product details are very important that they need to be shown in a separate photo. By taking photos of these details, they are highlighted and gives a sense of reassurance to the customers.

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5. Mind the Entire Frame

You might be tempted to make the products look big as much as possible by having a super close up photo. Aside from following the Amazon guideline regarding filling up 85% of the frame, you should remember that it is also necessary not to cut off some parts of the product. You must pay attention to all the product’s edges and corners.

6. Packaging

Some products need special packaging for storage. Leather bags, for example, need to be protected from dust and other particles. Show a photo of the dust bag that goes with the package to gain better advantage and trust.

7. Background

While it is common to see suggestions of removing backgrounds when you optimize product photos, there are instances when showing how the product fits into a realistic setting can help entice the customers. This method works well with furniture where it looks more aesthetically pleasing if pictured in a living room setup.

8. Unique Product Characteristics

When you optimize product photos for Amazon, you must ensure that you are showing off its unique characteristics. You have the option to describe what it does in the text but showing a photo of how it is used in actual is so much better.

9. Assign Image Priority

Amazon allows up to nine product photos per page. Using up all the slots and assigning the order on how the photos show up on the page will improve rankings on product search results. You can try showing a photo that shows the product in context first then the next pictures showing different angles. A shirt, for example, can have a series of photos showing how it is worn, the back view, and even the details. A logical arrangement of the photos will give a realistic customer experience.

10. Provide Essential Information

Aside from making sure to optimize product photos, you must also provide important information about every item. You may include icon overlays to show that the product is multi-pack. You may also highlight the product dimensions, or include signages that will make it easier for the customers to understand what the product is for. Photos that show how the product is assembled is also a good infographic. There are customers who are more of a visual type. This means that they enjoy seeing infographics rather than read from the text product descriptions.

Optimize Product Photos for Amazon
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11. Consider Hiring a Product Photographer

Let’s admit it, product photography is not for everyone. Some of the items on the Amazon guidelines are very technical and instead of getting confused about them, why not have a photographer take care of it?

12. Have a Professional Optimize Product Photos

If you already have the photos but do not have any idea how to optimize them for Amazon, there are photo editing services that can do it for you. Having a reliable partner to optimize product photos for you will ensure quality and save you time.

For an amazing portfolio for your Amazon page, the best way there is to achieve such a goal is by having a reliable photo editing company that can transform photos into amazing product photos.

Let us help you build an amazing Amazon product portfolio!

Ephotovn is a reliable partner if you want to optimize product photos for Amazon. Our expert editors are well-versed on the Amazon guidelines and are experts on all types of product photo optimization processes.

Contact Us and Let’s Get Started

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