How to Spot Bad Background Removal Photo Editing

Jenn Pereira
July 11, 2019

Digital photography and photo editing software are lifesavers in product photography. Achieving perfection in product photo post processing is essential in making sure that you will have the best photos for the customers. This is why a background removal service is often sought by those who are in the e-commerce industry.

Background removal is a common image retouching service wherein the subject of a photo is isolated from its background. The result is a stunning photo that highlights the subject. In e-commerce, the product is usually the main subject of the photo. Anything on the background is considered non-essential. Only the product is important which is why background removal must be done flawlessly.

If you have hired a service provider to process your product photos, you must be aware that not all providers can do it right. How do you know that it is a bad background removal photo editing?

Were Your Instructions Followed?

Although the universal rule in a background removal service is to remove the background, you may need to be very specific with what you want. You see, there are many ways to achieve the perfect outcome in clipping path. The main goal, should be, is to highlight the subject or the product. It will take more than a background removal to achieve this.

There are providers who are very particular with their services. If they only offer plain background removal, that is what they will do. Most will let you choose if you want either a white or a transparent background for the final output.

There are plenty of ways if you want to really make your photos pop. You can put some shadows, adjust the lighting, or even remove imperfections. You can specifically ask for these “extras” beforehand. You must check for it if the provider agreed to these enhancements.

Does it Look Realistic?

One common mistake of photo editing is over processing. Yes, the photo will look better if contrast, colors, brightness, and other details are adjusted. The problem, however, is that it is easy to overuse such features. The result is an over processed photo that looks unrealistic.

It is essential in product photos that you achieve realistic pictures. The customers are relying on the photos to scrutinize the product before buying it. Imagine their disappointment when they get a product that looks very different from the picture. It is more important to keep everything look natural, flaws and all, when it comes to pleasing the customers.

Too Many Layers

There are editors who tend to get carried away and make excessive layers to make one small edit. The result is an unorganized photo that will be difficult to edit later on. This becomes a problem when you have to edit the photos further. It cannot also be avoided that there will be times where you might need to use the same photos for another project.

Blurred Photos

Some people like to zoom in into a photo to see the details up close. The problem with editing photos is that it can also lessen the quality instead of improving it. The brain translates blurring as an imperfection. The best clipping path service should be able to maintain the clarity and sharpness of the subject. The sharper the details of the photo are retained, the better.

Wrong Document Settings

You must remember that when uploading photos on a website, there is a chance that it will not look good once it gets uploaded. This is why there are specifications in saving the photos after editing it. One of the most common mistakes that a beginner editor makes is using the wrong document settings. For example, resolution and dpi are different yet many people change the dpi in the hopes of making the image sharper. You have to let the editor know how you would use the photo so that it will not have the wrong resolution or even the file size.

Are You Being Consistent?

In relation to keeping everything real, you must also try to see if you are consistent in the style that you want to express. The best background removal service providers are those who can follow your specifications, right? It is essential that you are sure about your style so that you can give clear instructions. Try to keep the images simple as much as possible. Too many editing styles may only cause confusion. Always check if the edits made are along the kind of look that you want.



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